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Help with Custom Dialog Box

  1. #1

    Help with Custom Dialog Box

    This is my first attempt at a Dialog Box and I'm a bit stuck.

    I've created a User Form which comprises a List box containing a list of
    names and a Text Box to which the User adds text then if they press OK I want
    the value selected in the List Box to be "looked up" against a list in cells
    A4:A13 and the text from the text box to be appended alongside that name in
    Col B.

    Having designed the form I want it to run when a button is pressed on the
    sheet but I'm not sure what instructions to add to the button macro to make
    the dialog box appear and then do what I've described above.

    I hope this is clear and I'd be grateful for any help. Thanks in

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Help with Custom Dialog Box

    With Me.ListBox1
    If .ListIndex <> -1 Then
    Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A4:A13")(.ListIndex, 1).Value = _
    .Value & Me.TextBox1.Text
    End If
    End With



    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "nospaminlich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > This is my first attempt at a Dialog Box and I'm a bit stuck.
    > I've created a User Form which comprises a List box containing a list of
    > names and a Text Box to which the User adds text then if they press OK I

    > the value selected in the List Box to be "looked up" against a list in

    > A4:A13 and the text from the text box to be appended alongside that name

    > Col B.
    > Having designed the form I want it to run when a button is pressed on the
    > sheet but I'm not sure what instructions to add to the button macro to

    > the dialog box appear and then do what I've described above.
    > I hope this is clear and I'd be grateful for any help. Thanks in
    > anticipation.

  3. #3

    RE: Help with Custom Dialog Box

    Hope the folloing helps. First part has a command button called
    Cmd_OK on your Userform which invokes the code below when clicked. This
    checks if there have been entries in the listbox and textbox; if no, it
    outputs an error mesage. Otherwise it checks against A4:A13 and outputs
    textbox value to corresponding cell in B.

    Private Sub Cmd_OK_Click()

    Dim rng As Range

    If ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then
    ' No list box entry selected
    MsgBox "Please select from list"
    Exit Sub
    If TextBox1.Value = "" Then
    ' Text box is blank
    MsgBox "Please enter value in textbox"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End If

    Set rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A4:A13") <=== change as needed

    res = Application.Match(ListBox1.Value, rng, 0)

    If IsError(res) Then
    MsgBox ListBox1.Value & " not found"
    Cells(res + 3, 2) = TextBox1.Value
    End If

    End Sub

    On your sheet, add a command button from the Control Toolbar, right click on
    button and "View Code". Add "Userform1.Show" into the macro as below (code is
    in the sheet on which button resides):

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    UserForm1.Show <=== change if not correct Userform name
    End Sub

    Click the "Design Mode" button on Control toolbar (looks like triangle with
    pencil/ruler) to exit design mode.

    Clicking button should display Userform.


    "nospaminlich" wrote:

    > This is my first attempt at a Dialog Box and I'm a bit stuck.
    > I've created a User Form which comprises a List box containing a list of
    > names and a Text Box to which the User adds text then if they press OK I want
    > the value selected in the List Box to be "looked up" against a list in cells
    > A4:A13 and the text from the text box to be appended alongside that name in
    > Col B.
    > Having designed the form I want it to run when a button is pressed on the
    > sheet but I'm not sure what instructions to add to the button macro to make
    > the dialog box appear and then do what I've described above.
    > I hope this is clear and I'd be grateful for any help. Thanks in
    > anticipation.

  4. #4

    RE: Help with Custom Dialog Box

    Thanks a lot for the help. I've got it working and now I can see how it's
    done tomorrow's challenge will be to create some variations on the theme.
    Thanks again.

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