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Match and VLOOKUP from open workbook, storing values in Active wkb

  1. #1
    Barb Reinhardt

    Match and VLOOKUP from open workbook, storing values in Active wkb

    I have a macro which opens workbooks and checks for the existance of Sheet1.
    If sheet 1 is there, I want to populate other fields in the active workbook
    from the open workbook.

    I have the following equations I want to use:

    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _

    1) Is there a more elegant way to write these equations?
    2) How do I ensure that I get the value in the active cell of the active
    workbook, not the equation?
    3) Book1.xls is from column G of the workbook. I have a For/Next loop
    going from the first to the last book I'm evaluating with the counter being

    How would I rewrite these equations to get what I want?

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    Barb Reinhardt

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Match and VLOOKUP from open workbook, storing values in Active wkb

    Dim cell as Range, eq1 as String, eq2 as String
    Dim eq1a as String, eq1b as String
    Dim bk as Workbook
    eq1 = "=MATCH(RC[-2],'[ZZZ]Sheet1'!R33)"
    eq2 = ""=VLOOKUP(R1C,'[ZZZ]Sheet1'!R1:R50,RC75,FALSE)"

    With ThisWorkbook.worksheets("Data")
    for each cell in .Range("G2:G20")
    set bk = Workbook.Open(cell)
    eq1a = replace(eq1,"ZZZ",bk.name)
    eq2a = replace(eq2,"ZZZ",bk.Name)
    .cells(cell.row,"BW").Formula = eq1a
    .cells(cell.row,"BW").Formula = .cells(cell.row,"BW").Value
    .cells(cell.row,"BX").Formula = eq2a
    .cells(cell.row,"BX").Formula = .cells(cell.row,"BX").Value
    bk.close SaveChanges:=False
    End With

    I understood you to want to replace the formula with the value returned by
    the formula. If not, then take out lines like

    .cells(cell.row,"BW").Formula = .cells(cell.row,"BW").Value

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Barb Reinhardt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I have a macro which opens workbooks and checks for the existance of

    > If sheet 1 is there, I want to populate other fields in the active

    > from the open workbook.
    > I have the following equations I want to use:
    > Range("BW2").Select
    > ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
    > "=MATCH(RC[-2],'[Book1.xls]Sheet1'!R33)"
    > Range("BX2").Select
    > ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
    > "=VLOOKUP(R1C,'[Book1.xls]Sheet1'!R1:R50,RC75,FALSE)"
    > Range("BY2").Select
    > 1) Is there a more elegant way to write these equations?
    > 2) How do I ensure that I get the value in the active cell of the active
    > workbook, not the equation?
    > 3) Book1.xls is from column G of the workbook. I have a For/Next loop
    > going from the first to the last book I'm evaluating with the counter

    > i.
    > How would I rewrite these equations to get what I want?
    > Thanks in advance for your assistance.
    > Barb Reinhardt

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