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Calculate Cells - Time consuming!

  1. #1

    Calculate Cells - Time consuming!

    Please help. I've got a "data" sheet updating via ADO from SQL. Another sheet
    has formulas like Vlookup & Sumproduct linked to the "data" sheet. After the
    data update a bunch of macros are run on the data sorting and standardising
    the data and every time a change is made all the formulas try and
    re-calculate. I've tried setting Tools - Calculation - Manual but every time
    I run the macro the calculation state changes back to Auto. I've also tried
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual & Application.ScreenUpdating =
    False but it makes no diffirence. Is there any other way of not having these
    formulas updating automatically?

  2. #2
    Jim Rech

    Re: Calculate Cells - Time consuming!

    In my limited experience with ADO I have not found that running a query by
    itself changes the calc mode. Maybe if you looked through the macros that
    do the sorting, etc., you'd find where calc mode was being changed to
    "Braindeadbeachbum" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    | Please help. I've got a "data" sheet updating via ADO from SQL. Another
    | has formulas like Vlookup & Sumproduct linked to the "data" sheet. After
    | data update a bunch of macros are run on the data sorting and
    | the data and every time a change is made all the formulas try and
    | re-calculate. I've tried setting Tools - Calculation - Manual but every
    | I run the macro the calculation state changes back to Auto. I've also
    | Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual & Application.ScreenUpdating
    | False but it makes no diffirence. Is there any other way of not having
    | formulas updating automatically?

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