When I open Excel by dbl clicking a workbook, excel starts but no workbook, I
then have to goto file open and then it will come up. It worked just fine
before I ran this sub, Any way to fix this?????

Sub StoreExcelSettings()

Dim cbBar As CommandBar
Dim sBarNames As String
Dim objTemp As Object
Dim wkbTemp As Workbook

'Some properties require a workbook open, so create one
If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then Set wkbTemp = Workbooks.Add

'Write a value to indicate that the settings have been stored.
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "Stored", "Yes"

'Store the current Excel settings in the registry,
'for safe crash-recovery
With Application
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "DisplayStatusBar",
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "DisplayFormulaBar",
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "Calculation", CStr(.Calculation)
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "IgnoreRemoteRequests",
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "Iteration", CStr(.Iteration)
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "MaxIterations",

'Which commandbars are visible
For Each cbBar In .CommandBars
If cbBar.Visible Then sBarNames = sBarNames & "," & cbBar.Name
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "VisibleCommandBars", sBarNames

'Special items for Excel 2000 and up
If Val(.Version) >= 9 Then
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "ShowWindowsInTaskbar",
End If

'Special items for Excel 2002 and up
If Val(.Version) >= 10 Then
Set objTemp = .CommandBars
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "DisableAskAQuestion",
SaveSetting gsREG_APP, gsREG_XL_ENV, "AutoRecover",
End If
End With

If Not wkbTemp Is Nothing Then wkbTemp.Close False

End Sub