"Jon Haakon Ariansen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi,
> I really wounder how good Excel really is. I have for some years now
> worked with a simple worksheet where I register my hours of work for all
> the prosjects I participate in. In my workbook I have a sheet for all the
> months in a year where I have a date, project, activty and description
> column. The last sheet in workbook I have a summary where I calculate my
> salary based on each month and a total salary. This works fine.
> What I want is to expand the functionality by making a summary for each
> month where I calculate all the hours for each project by month.
> To do this manually I can us a pivot table to get what I want at this
> current time. However I want to make a dynamic solution so I at any time
> can go in and see the summary without making a new pivottable. The dynamic
> pivottable shall show the summary for the current month.
> This might seem a little complex functionality, but if this really works,
> I will really bend myself in the dust for Excel and all the fantastic
> functionalities which is avalable.
> Anybody have some sort of tips, example or any guidens if this should be
> possible???
> Kind regards,
> Jon Haakon

I don't see why this is a problem - PTs are designed to do just this thing.
Make your PT with Month as a page field. When you want to view it, just
select the desired month and refresh the table. No need to create a new PT.

Peter Aitken

Remove the crap from my email address before using.