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Macro and probabilities

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Macro and probabilities

    I explain my problem:
    I have multiples events, each one with a occurence probability (ex; event A: 20%, event B: 40%, event C: 10%, event D: 30%)
    I need to create a list of values with my events, respecting the probabilities (ex: creating a list of 100 values, in a aleatory order; with 20 A, 40 B, 10 C and 30D)

    The thing is that it has to be random, and for a veeery big list (about 9000 entries)

    Is there a simple way to do it with excel macros, or should I try it another way?

    Thanks a lot

  2. #2

    Re: Macro and probabilities

    One way that comes to mind:
    - make sure the list has a sequential number column
    - insert another column of random number
    - sort by that column
    - delete that column
    - assign the top 20% rows to A, then 40% to B, etc..
    - sort by the sequential number column.


    "MrKermit" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Hello,
    > I explain my problem:
    > I have multiples events, each one with a occurence probability (ex;
    > event A: 20%, event B: 40%, event C: 10%, event D: 30%)
    > I need to create a list of values with my events, respecting the
    > probabilities (ex: creating a list of 100 values, in a aleatory order;
    > with 20 A, 40 B, 10 C and 30D)
    > The thing is that it has to be random, and for a veeery big list (about
    > 9000 entries)
    > Is there a simple way to do it with excel macros, or should I try it
    > another way?
    > Thanks a lot
    > --
    > MrKermit
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > MrKermit's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=528467

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks, I'm gonna try it right now...
    I'll tell you if it worked

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