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concatenate formulas

  1. #1

    concatenate formulas

    In my formula I copied a cell that was formatted with a percentage. When I
    finished the concatenate formula the cell that was input was in a decimal
    format. How do I keep the format of the cell when linking it to the
    concatenate formula?

  2. #2
    K Dales

    RE: concatenate formulas

    If it is a numeric cell (rather than text) Excel uses the base numeric format
    when you convert it to string in a formula. But you can specify the format
    by using the TEXT function - if the value in A1 is your percentage you could
    do this:
    ="The resulting rate is "&TEXT(A1,"##0.0%")
    - K Dales

    "[email protected]" wrote:

    > In my formula I copied a cell that was formatted with a percentage. When I
    > finished the concatenate formula the cell that was input was in a decimal
    > format. How do I keep the format of the cell when linking it to the
    > concatenate formula?

  3. #3
    Bob Phillips

    Re: concatenate formulas


    as an example


    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

    "[email protected]"
    <[email protected]@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > In my formula I copied a cell that was formatted with a percentage. When

    > finished the concatenate formula the cell that was input was in a decimal
    > format. How do I keep the format of the cell when linking it to the
    > concatenate formula?

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