Hi all,

I know I'm probably just forgetting something stupid, but here's my issue:

I created a small userform to act as a Call Log. It worked fine, but we had some Accumulation issues. So I set it up to have everyone's Userform to save to the same workbook on the Network drive. Everyone can pull up the userform simultaneously with no issues, but only the first user can save data to the sheet.

I know the issue is probably a "Read-Only" problem, but I can't figure out how to set it up where everyone's userform can write to the sheet at the same time (5 users). I had them pulling up the form from a local script, and tried also directly from the workbook on the network.

I'm good with VBA, but by no means great. Any help would be appreciated.

Side Question: How hard would it be to save individual data on each person's local drive as well as to the main accumulative workbook?