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What's the difference between 'Set UserForm1=Nothing' and 'Unload UserForm1' ?

  1. #1

    What's the difference between 'Set UserForm1=Nothing' and 'Unload UserForm1' ?

    I have 'UserForm1' and Module1.
    In UserForm1:

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Debug.Print "Initialized"
    End Sub

    Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
    Debug.Print "Terminated"
    End Sub

    In Module1:

    Sub Main()

    Debug.Print "Set UserForm1 to nothing"
    Set UserForm1 = Nothing


    Debug.Print "Unload UserForm1"
    Unload UserForm1

    End Sub

    After running 'Main', the result is:
    Set UserForm1 to nothing

    Unload UserForm1
    This means Unload statement creates a new instance of UserForm before
    destroying it.
    What makes the difference between Set and Unload?
    Are there any other differences between those?

  2. #2
    Wendell A. Clark

    Re: What's the difference between 'Set UserForm1=Nothing' and 'Unload UserForm1' ?

    setting an object to nothing returns the memory....

    Wendell A. Clark, BS

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    "Zoo" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have 'UserForm1' and Module1.
    > In UserForm1:
    > Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    > Debug.Print "Initialized"
    > End Sub
    > Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
    > Debug.Print "Terminated"
    > End Sub
    > In Module1:
    > Sub Main()
    > Debug.Print "Set UserForm1 to nothing"
    > Set UserForm1 = Nothing
    > Debug.Print
    > Debug.Print "Unload UserForm1"
    > Unload UserForm1
    > End Sub
    > After running 'Main', the result is:
    > -------------------------
    > Set UserForm1 to nothing
    > Unload UserForm1
    > Initialized
    > Terminated
    > -------------------------
    > This means Unload statement creates a new instance of UserForm before
    > destroying it.
    > What makes the difference between Set and Unload?
    > Are there any other differences between those?

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