I need to import XML file to excel using macro. below are the code that i

Sub makro1()

Dim a As String
Dim connection As XmlMap
Dim str As String
Dim object1 As ListObject
Dim temp1 As ListColumn

a = "C:\Documents and Settings\kting2\Desktop\testing\Alpha
Set connection = ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps.Add(a)
connection.Name = "connectXML"

Application.DisplayXMLSourcePane connection 'to display source pane
for xml

Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1:B1")
Dim xmltag As String

xmltag = "/root/information/name"
myRange.XPath.SetValue connection, xmltag

Set myRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B20:B20")
xmltag = "/root/information/address"

'i already import the infor "John" and "Malaysia" and then
'i don't know how to place "Paul" to "B25" and "Thailand" to "B32" here

ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps ("connectXML").DataBinding.Refresh

End Sub

And then below is the XML file that i need to import.

so anyone can teach me how to display the data?thanks