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Making column C repeat in final printout

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  1. #1

    Making column C repeat in final printout

    I have a spreadsheet that goes from column A to HK. I have code written that
    prints out a specific cell range based upon a drop down list choice. Since
    the information in Column C is the same all across the spreadsheet, I have
    frozen the sheet to scroll across.

    I want the range of C3:c92 to be included on the printout page, regardless
    of which choice is made in the dropdown list. Here is a short example of the

    Private Sub Commandbutton1_Click()
    With ActiveSheet
    Select Case UCase(.Range("c1").Value)
    Case Is = "1"
    .Range("c3:h92").PrintOut preview:=True
    Case Is = "2"
    .Range("j3:o92").PrintOut preview:=True
    Case Is = "3"
    .Range("q3:w92").PrintOut preview:=True

    ............and so on. What addtional code do I need to make C3:C92 appear
    on the left hand side of the page printout?

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    RE: Making column C repeat in final printout

    You could try page setup and columns to repeat on the last tab - or

    Private Sub Commandbutton1_Click()
    With ActiveSheet
    .columns.Hidden = False
    Select Case UCase(.Range("c1").Value)
    Case Is = "1"
    .Range("c3:h92").PrintOut preview:=True
    Case Is = "2"
    .Range("D:I").entireColumn.Hidden = True
    .Range("C3:o92").PrintOut preview:=True
    Case Is = "3"
    .Range("D:P").Entirecolumn.Hidden = True
    .Range("C3:w92").PrintOut preview:=True
    end select
    .columns.Hidden = False

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Clark" wrote:

    > I have a spreadsheet that goes from column A to HK. I have code written that
    > prints out a specific cell range based upon a drop down list choice. Since
    > the information in Column C is the same all across the spreadsheet, I have
    > frozen the sheet to scroll across.
    > I want the range of C3:c92 to be included on the printout page, regardless
    > of which choice is made in the dropdown list. Here is a short example of the
    > code:
    > Private Sub Commandbutton1_Click()
    > With ActiveSheet
    > Select Case UCase(.Range("c1").Value)
    > Case Is = "1"
    > .Range("c3:h92").PrintOut preview:=True
    > Case Is = "2"
    > .Range("j3:o92").PrintOut preview:=True
    > Case Is = "3"
    > .Range("q3:w92").PrintOut preview:=True
    > ...........and so on. What addtional code do I need to make C3:C92 appear
    > on the left hand side of the page printout?

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