I have a worksheet that I merged 7 cells wide x 19 cells high. I have
the proprieties set to "Wrap Text". I use this box for a field report.

I am using This Macro to save the worksheet to a new workbook.

Sub savesheet()

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Dim wb As Workbook

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
sFilename = "C:\TimeSheets\Week Ending " &
Format(Range("h12").Value, "mm-dd-yy Job# ") &
ActiveSheet.Range("h2").Value & " " & Range("b5").Value
ans = MsgBox("Save file as " & sFilename)

If ans = vbOK Then
With wb

ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 2").Select

.SaveAs sFilename
.Close False
End With
End If
End Sub

After I run this macro the new sheet the text in this Field Report Box
is truncated at 255 charaters. Help!