
I found some great answers to the question of adding a value from every
n-th column in a range.

However, this appears to only be working if all the data to be added is
a number -> I guess this is due to the MOD requiring only numbers
rather than the SUM.

What if the data types are mixed: so numbers and text?

Right now, I get the "#VALUE" error which I do not want to deal with
using "ISERROR" because I want want values there are to be added
irrespective of whether or not there is a text entry in one or more
cells in the range to be added.

The formula's I have tried are:
>> =SUM((MOD(COLUMN(A1:AN1)-1,XXX)=0)*(A1:AN1))
>> =SUMPRODUCT((MOD(COLUMN(rng)-COLUMN(OFFSET(rng,,,1,1)),N)=0)*rng)

Any ideas?
