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copying all of a row & Attributes

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  1. #1
    RjS, CISSP

    copying all of a row & Attributes

    Hi - I hope this question isnt too newbie. I am trying to copy all of a row,
    including all of its attributes like formatting, column widths, etc. The code
    snippet that I am currently using to perform the copy is:

    wsDST.Rows(DstRow).Value = wsSRC.Rows(SrcRow).Value

    This, of course, works for just the cell values. But trying to modify the
    above to include the other desired attributes has eluded me.

    Thanks Much

  2. #2
    Chip Pearson

    Re: copying all of a row & Attributes

    Try something like

    wsSRC.Rows(SrcRow).Copy Destination:=wsDST.Rows(DstRow).Value

    Chip Pearson
    Microsoft MVP - Excel
    Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

    "RjS, CISSP" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi - I hope this question isnt too newbie. I am trying to copy
    > all of a row,
    > including all of its attributes like formatting, column widths,
    > etc. The code
    > snippet that I am currently using to perform the copy is:
    > wsDST.Rows(DstRow).Value = wsSRC.Rows(SrcRow).Value
    > This, of course, works for just the cell values. But trying to
    > modify the
    > above to include the other desired attributes has eluded me.
    > Thanks Much

  3. #3
    Norman Jones

    Re: copying all of a row & Attributes

    Hi R,


    ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=wsDST.Rows(DstRow)
    wsDST.Rows(DstRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=8, _
    Operation:=xlNone, _
    SkipBlanks:=False, _
    Application.CutCopyMode = False


    "RjS, CISSP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi - I hope this question isnt too newbie. I am trying to copy all of a
    > row,
    > including all of its attributes like formatting, column widths, etc. The
    > code
    > snippet that I am currently using to perform the copy is:
    > wsDST.Rows(DstRow).Value = wsSRC.Rows(SrcRow).Value
    > This, of course, works for just the cell values. But trying to modify the
    > above to include the other desired attributes has eluded me.
    > Thanks Much

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