Hi All

I have a job interview on Friday with a time constrained test which can be on any aspect of VBA (practical problems) but that’s all I know. I use VBA a fair bit but outside the stuff I use on a regular basis there is a huge amount that could be covered which I know the theory of but have never used.

I put this to the company and although it’s not a programming job (10%) they accept the situation but can't be any more specific (found out they haven't written the tests yet) and suggested I bring some books along (I have plenty but the time constraint is worrying me).

I was wondering if anybody knew of a searchable vba code library (online or as an application) that I can lay my hands on as I have found that if I have snippets of code or examples I can usually adapt them to what I need fairly quickly as opposed to starting from scratch.

Any help much appreciated.

