Image size appears in button(msocontrolbutton) of custom toolbar is
very small and blurred using below code. How I can increase size of
image in button (msocontrolbutton) as well as brightness of image in
custom toolbar?

It would be really great help for me......

My code:

Const cImgCommandBarID As String = "TMC Img Toolbar"

'Image code

Dim cbImgBar As CommandBar

Set cbImgBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=cImgCommandBarID,

'cbImgBar.context = 1000

Dim cbImage As CommandBarControl

Dim imgTool As Shape

Dim sFileName, ImgSheet

sFileName = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Images\ABC.jpg"

Const sNAME = "MyToolFace"


' hide appearance of picture from the user

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' insert picture from file and copy inserted picture

Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:= xlBitmap

Set cbImage = cbImgBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

With cbImage

'.FaceId = 198

.Caption = "TheMarketsImage"

.Style = msoButtonIcon

.Width = 120

.Height = 100


End With

' remove the inserted picture


Application.ScreenUpdating = True