Ok - I'm at that pulling out hair stage and I haven't got that much left!

I'm using the formula below to determine whether a team has Won Drawn or Lost a match based upon the result.


The result of the formula is either, W, D, or L.

I have created a small table that incorporates a list of the teams on the left and three additional columns with a heading W, D, L respectively. Using VLOOKUP add the following formula alongside each team under the appropriate heading as below:


H4 = Team name
Table array = home
Number of columns to move right = 2

This gives a result of #N/A.

What I want it to do is simply add the number of instances the club name appears in my table array and count or add the number W, D, L it sees.

Driving me nuts at the moment - so any pointers appreciated.

Many thanks in advance