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userform radio button group determination of selection?

  1. #1
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    userform radio button group determination of selection?


    Ok, I have a userform, with a grouped set of 5 radio buttons.
    Is their a fast way of determining which of the 5 was selected, instead of
    having to do a _click determination of each radio selection itself.

    I have the the groupname to : Score1_RadioGroup

    Also, is their a way to indicate the choice of the group through arrow key

    Currently, I have a textbox where a number will be entered, and then I
    would like the user to be able to tab to the group of radio buttons, and using
    an arrow key, to set the desired choice.
    The reason, is that it would allow for all key press commands to set all the
    options without having to use the mouse. Allows for much faster data entry.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Hello Spyrule,

    I am going to start with your last question about tabbing. Each control on a UserForm has 2 properties that control tabbing: the TabStop and the TabIndex. TabIndex controls which control will receive the Focus next when the tab key is used. Wether a control accepts the Focus depends on the state of TabStop. If TabStop is False the control won't take the Focus.

    The TabIndex starts at 0 abd increments by 1 for each control on the UserForm. When you change the TabIndex of a control, VBA automatically changes the other control's TabIndex values.

    Example of changin the Tab Order:

    1. In the VB Editor display your user form.
    2. Click on TextBox1 and look at the Properties Window.
    3. If it isn't visible, press tthe F4 key
    4. Select the TabIndex property (for this example will say it is 5)
    5. On the UserForm, Click on the first RadioButton in group.
    6. Read the TabIndex (for this example will say it is 11)
    7. To make this the next control to take the Focus when the Tab key is pressed, change this to 6.
    8. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each RadioButton. Be sure to increment the value by 1. RadioButton2 = 7, RadioButton3 = 8, etc.

    Now for the second question. Determening which option button is set. Here is ta function that will return the name of the radio Button that is selected. You will need to change UserForm1 in the code if your UserForm name is different.

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    Leith Ross

  3. #3
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    thank you but...


    Thanks for the reply Leith, it's apreciated.

    following your message order, I understand how to use Tab index/Tab Stop
    features, more what I was referring to is how to make a grouped set of radio
    buttons "selectable" using arrow keys instead of a click or spacebar. Right
    now when I tab over, the first radio button is the next tab in sequence,
    however their seems to be no "highlight" of that radio button, until I press
    the spacebar. Also, it wont let me move the selection using arrow keys.
    This would be a very usefull control "feature" to have, but I have no idea
    how to implement it without adding hundreds of lines of code.

    Also as for the function that you gave me, that seems to work for all of the
    functions, but I'm not sure how to limit it to just that group of radio buttons,
    one set at a time.

    I attached a picture, to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

    The first "checkbox" turns on/off that row of controls. If turned on, form
    those controls must be filled. If off, they may have data, but they will be
    ignored. Also if say, 2nd and 3rd checkbox is selected, you cannot turn off
    2nd without turning off 3rd first.
    Then when that row is active, the user will enter a number in score textbox,
    tab over to the radio option and "choose" one of the radio button, preferably
    using their arrow keys.

    hope this makes sense.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Hello Spyrule,

    To get the feature you want takes some work. I will give you a couple of code examples of what needs to done, and we can go from there.

    To have an OptionButton respond to the Arrow Keys requires adding code to each OptionButton's KeyDown event procedure. This code example has OptionButton1 move over to OptionButton2 on the right and select it.

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    This example looks at OptionButton2. This OptionButton can go left, back to optionButton1, or to the right, OptionButton3. You would use this same format for OptionButtons2 - 4.

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    The last OptionButton on the right, OptionButton5...

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    This would have to be repeated for each of the groups you have, and the OptionButton names would need to changed to match what you are using.

    Leith Ross

  5. #5
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    ok, so mouse it is! :)

    Thanks again,

    yeah thats way more code then I want to include in this project for purely a
    visual method. The user will have to be happy with using a mouse!

    I have 3 other forms with a total of 50 radio button controls EACH, and that
    makes MUCH too much code to have to repeat.

    Now I just have to get the radio button detection to work with the single
    button at the button.


  6. #6
    Forum Contributor Rick_Stanich's Avatar
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    Re: userform radio button group determination of selection?

    Thanks for this code:
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    Win10, Office 365

  7. #7
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: userform radio button group determination of selection?

    You can use a Select Case to determine which button is checked:
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    Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.

  8. #8
    Forum Contributor Rick_Stanich's Avatar
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    Re: userform radio button group determination of selection?

    Quote Originally Posted by romperstomper View Post
    You can use a Select Case to determine which button is checked:
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    Thnak you

    Thats Enlgish for Thank You. :P

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