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Change and Save Default Userform Properties

  1. #1
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    Change and Save Default Userform Properties

    I have a userform that has several values that can be changed by the user. What I would like to do is have the default properties save once the form is exited. (with a save and close button)

    Currently, each time I change the values and close the form, the default values are displayed when opening the form next time. (as I would expect!)

    I'd like to change those default values and properties, and I would have thought it would be straight forward. I CAN do it by linking it to reference cell on a worksheet, but that's not what I am looking for.

    I want to initialize a variable when the form loads, based on the current values of certain objects, and don't want the variable tied to a cell value. But I don't want the user to have to change them each time the form is loaded.

    I hope I have explained this well enough!

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dominicb's Avatar
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    Good evening kevindmorgan

    A userform cannot save data, only retrieve data from a worksheet (which doesn't necessarily have to be visible), or use it to enter data - which must then be saved to a worksheet if it is to appear non-volatile, ie., still be there the next time the worksheet is opened or the next time the userform is reshown after unloading.

    The only other option available to you is to save the setting to the users registry, which is the ideal solution if the userform is holding a users preferences for a workbook. VBA makes it relatively easy to write to and read from certain areas within the registry (for more info see the help files on the commands GetSetting and SaveSetting).


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  3. #3
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    Thanks for the reply! The Save/Get Settings is exactly what I needed!

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