so let me get this right . . .
you want the macro (which is stored in Workbook1) to:
0. Set the TOP as cell A2
1. open the TextFile1 as Workbook2
2. select all data in Workbook2
3. copy all data to clipboard
4. activate Workbook1
5 select Workbook1 at TOP
6. paste the dataa. if the paste doesn't fit on the sheet, move to A2 on the next sheet
b. do step 6 again]
c. find the last row of the pasted data]
d. set TOP as the next row down]
7. activate Workbook2
8. close Workbook2
9. open textfile 2 as Workbook2
10. repeat steps 1-8
11. open textfile 3 as Workbook2
12. repeat steps 1-8
..... for each of 250 text files
Is this how it should work?