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Excel as ID database and ID assigner

  1. #1
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    Excel as ID database and ID assigner

    I have a question about using excel as a simple database and publishing it to the web to allow other to interact with it. Please bare with me as I try to explain this:

    I need to create a database of IDs for tracking purposes. Here is an example, UNICOL1001. The unique ID is composed of University Names (UNI), Colleges within the University (COL), department within the college (100), and class number (1).

    So on excel I would create a worksheet with all the universities and their three-letter unique id. Then I would create another worksheet with all the colleges and their three-letter unique id and so on. Finally, I will have a "master" worksheet that will pull data from the other worksheet to create the ID (UNICOL1001).

    So far so good right. My question is would it be possible to publish this to the web or intranet, so that other people in my group can get IDs or add new IDs to the the "master" list by adding records to the individual worksheets???

    The way people would get IDs is through a GUI with a form asking them questions like from a drop down menu:
    - What is your univeristy
    - Which college are you in
    - Etc.

    Depending on their answers, they will get an output of a ID and if that ID is not already on the "master" worksheet, it would be added to it too.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    Xp; 2007; 2010
    You wouldn't be able to use VBA if you publish it using Saveas Web page

    I think you will find that you can only publish a single worksheet with Interactivity and that you will be limited to simple calculations.
    Last edited by royUK; 05-26-2007 at 04:19 AM.
    Hope that helps.

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