Hi All,

I'm running the excel file with a parameter which is a path that contains
the files to process. After processing the files a targetfile will be created.

I'm getting the below error only if i try to run the excel file more than once continuously. that means for the first & second time I'll get no error and afterwards I'll be getting the below error.

The ideal no of files processed at a time 250. if it crosses this number then it'll be firing the below error. but we can't restrict the user on no of files

Problem exist if we try to read more than 250+ files and throws popup with
the message
" File could not be accessed
- Make sure the specified folder exists
- Make sure the folder that contains the file is no read-only
- Make sure the file name does not contain any of the following characters <
> ? [ ] : ""
- Make sure the file/path name does not contain more than 218 characters
with the OK button in it and hangs after that. even if we press the OK
button it won't get closed.

I tried debugging the same and found the error
" error -1004
Method 'Open' of object 'Workbooks' failed" while opening the file. but it is not getting trapped even if i user on error goto <label>

After this i tried setting the object to nothing before opening the file but
in vain.

Can some one let me know what might be the problem & how can i solve it.

