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Solver question

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Solver question

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if there was a way to program a macro that could help me in my job.

    This is the problem: once a week I have to pay providers. Since we try not to pay cash, we select checks from our clients and the only rest in cash.

    For example, a provider gives us a bill for $1500.- and I select two checks (one of $750 and the other for $700) and $50.- cash.

    My question is: is it posible to make a macro that selects a quantity of checks (form a list) that minimizes the amount of cash to be added?

    The problem is that we use checks lower than $2000 for providers and there are some big payments which requiere many of them.

    It would save me pretty much time since I have to prepare about 30 payments the same day.

    Any Ideas?

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    If you could set up your problem with a semblance of table, we may be able to come up with some ideas regarding optimization via Solver.

    ...constantly looking for the smoother pebble while the whole ocean of truth lies before me.

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