Has anyone created a hyperlink based on another hyperlink?

I am trying to create an index of products (286 at current). Each product is divided by supplier. On an Index page, I have the main workbook for each supplier listed across row 1 and the products (sheet tabs) within the suppliers workbook under their respective supplier. Instead of manually creating links to all these products individually, I would like to create a new hyperlink based on the link of the supplier.

Supplier = c:\supplier 1
Product1 = wks1.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Target, Address:=\\(Supplier_Hyperlink)\\, SubAddress:=(wks2.Name & "!A1"), TextToDisplay:=Target.Value\\(Product1)\\

How do I reference the Supplier_Hyperlink? Is it possible to do a double jump - Jump to the suppliers book and then to the product page?