I use Excel 2007. I made a UserForm with some CommandButtons and a MultiPage object with two Pages - one containing several RefEdits, the other containing several OptionButtons and a TextBox.
On Page1 of the MultiPage, I want the user to put some ranges from the Sheet or some text (or leave it blank, whatever) into the RefEdits. One of the CommandButtons on the UserForm (ie. outside the MultiPage) fills some deafult values into these RefEdits and I want it to fill the default values in RefEdits regardless of which Page is active (that, however, does not seem to be the problem).
On Page2, the OptionButtons modify the TextBox contents. I want the TextBox to be disabled unless one of the OptionButtons is checked. You know that probably - you give the user several predefined choices and a "custom" choice with a TextBox.

Now, the problem is, it often behaves "strangely".
Sometimes it "crashes" - the UserForm dissapears when you click a control. Looks like the problem described at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/213673 because one of the RefEdits gets focused (although the user didn't even enter Page1).
Sometimes it "freezes" - the CommandButtons don't react (the "Close" or x button of the window works).
In both cases, it doesn't matter whether user clicks the CommandButton to fill in the default values.

A typical OptionButton_OnClick looks like this (TBFormat is the TextBox on Page2):

Private Sub OBPredefChoice2_Click()
    UserForm.MultiPage1.Pages.Item(1).TBFormat.Enabled = True
    UserForm.MultiPage1.Pages.Item(1).TBFormat.Text = "\A, \R, \N. \O, \M, \S"
    UserForm.MultiPage1.Pages.Item(1).TBFormat.BackColor = vbMenuBar
    UserForm.MultiPage1.Pages.Item(1).TBFormat.Enabled = False
End Sub
The custom one:

Private Sub OBCustom_Click()

    UserForm.MultiPage1.Pages.Item(1).TBFormat.Enabled = True
    UserForm.MultiPage1.Pages.Item(1).TBFormat.BackColor = vbWindowBackground
End Sub
What is wrong?