
I am trying to run an excel query for where it calculates based on the time where a person has to be in terms of persons he has contacted in a Day.

Just giving you an Example

A1= Login time A2= Lunch time/Time of phones A3 = Log off time A4 = (A3-A1) - A2

A4 gives me the total number of hours a person is logged in for the day and based on the persons to contact per hour we can multiply by that Example 4.26/hour * A4

Now I need to run a query where it show at the current time how many persons need to be contacted.

I have tried to use
B1= Current time B2= Lunch time/Time of phones B3 = Log off time B4 = (B3-B1) - B2

B5 = A4- B4
But in this case it doesnt give me the correct figures coz it subtracts the lunch hour/Time of phone and then does the calculation which comes out to be totally wrong.

I need to give it based on lunch breaks between 1pm and 2pm and three 15 min breaks at different time. It subtracts it at the relevant times rather then all at once.
I know there could be an easy solution for this....and I'm totally lost about it..

Thanks in advance for helping me out
Any questions Plz do ask
