
I have this code here that basically will search through a data list "A" by searching for each data element in list "L". If there is a match, then the element will be highlighted in A. Is there a way to highlight every element in data list L that is found in A? In other words, I would like the end product to have all found elements to be highlighted on both data list A and L. All items that havent been found would be unhighlighted. Any help would be awesome- thanks.
Sub FindAndHighlight() 

Dim FirstAddx As String 
Dim LastRow As Long 
Dim N As Long 
Dim R As Long 
Dim SrchRng As Range 
Dim SrchRslt As Range 
Dim SrchValue As Variant 

N = Cells(Rows.Count, "L").End(xlUp).Row 
For R = 1 To N 
SrchValue = Cells(R, "L") 
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 

Set SrchRng = Range("A1", Cells(LastRow, "A")) 
Set SrchRslt = SrchRng.Find(What:=SrchValue, _ 
LookIn:=xlValues, _ 
LookAt:=xlPart, _ 
SearchORder:=xlRows, _ 
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ 
If Not SrchRslt Is Nothing Then 
FirstAddx = SrchRslt.Address 
SrchRslt.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 
Set SrchRslt = SrchRng.FindNext(SrchRslt) 
Loop While SrchRslt.Address <> FirstAddx And Not SrchRslt Is Nothing 
End If 
Next R 

End Sub