Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to modify a spreadsheet which needs to incorporate some macro functions (I haven’t done these for years and even then it was only basic vb at uni). What I want to know is how to create a macro which will run the following checks and if possible (is it?) to flag any data inputted which isn’t correct.

So say I have the following 3 cells

Description (max string of 250), can you do a macro which flags if input is greater than 250?, if so can you highlight the error in a particular colour?

Date created – date field which needs to be in yyyy-mm-dd format, I’ve been playing around with a few macros and still can’t get one to work for this, Is there a macro which would convert the format (if entered e.g as 12/12/2009) or if text is inputted can an error flag it or can it only accept the date format?

Strategy – I have a couple of fields whereby there is only certain data that can be accepted (E.G, High, Medium, Low, None), I initially did this via a validation list but then there would be problems if in the future someone enters data which isn’t one of the specified. So is there a macro which can be created that will only accept certain fields or if it does accept another field that it then flags it (colour highlight again?)

I’m not sure if that makes sense!, have been reading online and trying various things the past few days and still am getting nowhere!.

Thanks Guys,
