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use lookup in macros, then copy data to new worksheet

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    use lookup in macros, then copy data to new worksheet

    I've posted here before with out any results, so I thought I'd post again. I cannot seem to find a code snippet that would allow me to use index, match, and lookup commands within macros.

    Here's the scenario.

    I have a spreadsheet that has a "database" (area of rows & columns) of health plans and their respective copays, deductibles etc. Another sheet within that spreadsheet would have a simple "macro" page that allows the user to use a drop down box to select the health plan wanted and then press "copy" button to copy the correct data to another open spreadsheet (that the user inputs the name of) that is formatted (rows/columns are not contiguous)

    I believe I can handle the copy/past routine, one cell at a time, but cannot figure out how to locate the correct row/column in the "database" with the correct data. The top column of the database is being used as the list for data validation of the drop down, so the data I need is just below the name the person selected.

    I attached a sample of the worksheet to this post, the tab's functions are as follows:

    New Plan 1: A sample of what the "remote" spreadsheet would look like, the remote spreadsheet has four tabs of this type Existing Plan, New Plan 1, New Plan 2, New Plan 3. I would need to post the data to these sheets

    data: the "data" for the database. There is a hidden sheet called info that the data validation ranges come from

    macro: the user input page where they would select the target spreadsheet and the plan designs, then hit "copy"

    any help would be appreciated.
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