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Nested IF Statement

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    Nested IF Statement

    Hello, I am attempting to create a multi condition IF statement for work. Essentially what we have is a column dedicated to the date in which a piece of equipment is supposed to go into service.

    What we want to do is make it so that if the current date is 40 days past the scheduled in service date, a status column displays the term "Verify".

    Additionally, if the scheduled in service date is 365 days from the current day, a status column should display the term "Future".

    If it is any day in between the two, it should display the term "Active"

    I have two seperate lines of code, one that covers verify and active and the other that covers future and active but I can't combine the two so that I have one function. The code I compiled is included below, any help would be appreciated.

    =IF(D7=0,"Active", IF((TODAY()-40)-D7>0,"Verify","Active"))

    =IF(D8=0,"Active", IF((TODAY()+365)-D8<0,"Future","Active"))

    (D# corresponds to the respective cell that contains the scheduled ISD)
    Last edited by swadd06; 03-26-2009 at 01:42 PM.

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