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Confirmation Box before running a macro

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Confirmation Box before running a macro

    Hi everyone another question.

    How do I ask for a confirmation box before running a macro, but only one time. What I mean is some of the macros I use loop and it wouldn't be practical to click on "ok" for each time the macro ran.

    So again I just need some code to tack on to the beginning of a couple of my macros that will ask me before they run but only once.

    If I need to paste in some sample code I will but this question is pretty generic I think.
    Last edited by randell.graybill; 04-23-2009 at 12:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    I'm not sure what you mean by "some of the macros I use loop"

    Do you mean you use them repeatedly within one master routine - else how would a MsgBox be called constantly ?

    In general:

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    where strName is String variable containing whatever you want to help you identify what it is you're about to run...

    You could use a Static variable to hold a count of times the MsgBox has been invoked and only run when the variable is False, eg:

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    It's hard to give a more precise answer but I hope that helps.

    For more info on Static variables see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z2cty7t8.aspx

  3. #3
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    Ok I have some spreadsheets I print everyday from crystal reports always 30+ sheets and when I active the macro it runs thru a whole process of formating the cycles adding a couple header rows setting up conditional formating formulas to add in borders on blank cells if the cell to the left is not blank.

    After it is all setup it prints the active spreadsheet then closes the spreadsheet without saving or asking for confirmation then it procedes to the next active sheet and loops until no spreadsheets are left open.

    Problem is this macro is very destructive to any spreadsheet it is not meant to run on and I would like to setup a confirmation box before it runs to avoid losing data if the hotkey is pressed.

    This macro is stored in the personal.xls spreadsheet since it is fun on 30+ spreadsheets a day and the names are not constant.

  4. #4
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    I added the portion at the top that you suggested but it doesn't loop after adding the code in.

    Any code improvements you want to suggest I will take as well. This code is frank'n stein code pasted together from recording macros, some code from random websites like this, and even a few lines of my own code after I learned a bit. It may not be the best but it works!

    Also at the bottom you will see the code I have that tells the macro how many times to run, is there a way to get a text box for me to put in how many times I want it to run then have it run that many times...so if I wanted it to run 1 time I put in on then click continue. Or if I wanted it to run 55 times I put in 55 then click ok.

    Here is my code.
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    Last edited by randell.graybill; 04-08-2009 at 02:41 AM.

  5. #5
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    So the code you listed is what exactly - the header's missing... presumably this is your personal.xls code (rotations) ?

    just to be clear... you want the message box to appear only once (when you invoked the routine) OR do you want it to appear each time it moves to a new file ?

    you said you inserted the Static Boolean but it didn't loop - not sure I follow what that mean... this is where I refer back to my prior question - I think I may have misinterpreted your requirements.

  6. #6
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    Sorry. Yes this is the macro that I use to print multiple files while only invoking 1 macro 1 time. At the end of the code I have this line

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    which runs the macro from the code I listed which is indeed named Rotations, which appears on PERSONAL.XLS.

    And I want the confirmation box to appear only when the macro is first invoked not each time it goes to the next spreadsheet.

    Hope I got your question this time.

  7. #7
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    Just to be clear, the code you posted is Rotations sub routine ?
    (ie you're doing recursive call within)

  8. #8
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    yes it is Sub Rotations()

    sorry. and recursive call within don't know what that means I'm very much a beginner at this.

  9. #9
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    OK, let me work through and see if I can streamline etc... that said given I don't know the layout of the data you're altering certain lines will invariably be left in that could most likely be removed... (ie those commands applying default settings re: formats etc... not normally needed)

  10. #10
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    I've posted a dummy set of data for you...note that the items numbers are not all obviously 1 I just set them like this for this sample set.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  11. #11
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    Without seeing how you're running this in reality it's hard to give a fool proof piece of code... I wonder though if the below will do what you want ?

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    In the above the code is set such that it will continue to loop until such time as the activeworkbook becomes Personal.xls ... I don't run a Personal.xls so I can't test if this (if hidden) ever shows as Active once all others are closed... I'm hoping it does... someone else may be able to shed some light on this.

    I altered your Countif iteration such a temp column of formulae are inserted and all tests are evaluated simultaneously and offending rows removed in one swoop rather than iterating rows and repeatign the process.

    I altered the code such that Screen Updating, Events & Calc are set so as to give best possible performance, they are reset to original settings at the end of the routine (or should the routine error) ... ScreenUpdating will reset automatically (akin to Alerts) but it's worth resetting manually as others like Events will not .. ie it's good to be consistent.

    Altering PageSetup can often be slow due to printer drivers etc... if this causes you major headaches you might want to consider some alternative approaches (see: http://puremis.net/excel/code/039.shtml)

    I was also unsure as to why you were adding sheet protection etc given you weren't saving the file... I commented out those commands.

    As I say it's unlikely it resolves all your issues but I hope it might help is some way.

  12. #12
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    Re: Confirmation Box before running a macro

    I had to make only 2 minor changes to your code to make it work and it works flawlessly now.

    All I had to change was the range of the conditional formatting formula so it added the borders properly.

    Other then that it worked like a charm and much faster then before too thanks alot.

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