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Group Contents

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  1. #1
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    Group Contents

    Sub Group()
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Newrow = 1
        Set ws1 = Sheets("R1")
        With ws1
           LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
           For RowCount = 1 To LastRow
              A_Data = .Range("A" & RowCount)
              B_Data = .Range("B" & RowCount)
              FirstNewRow = Newrow
              Set c = .Columns("C").Find(what:=A_Data, _
                 LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
              If Not c Is Nothing Then
                 firstAddr = c.Address
                    C_Data = .Range("C" & c.Row)
                    D_Data = .Range("D" & c.Row)
                    With Sheets("Final")
                       .Range("A" & Newrow) = A_Data
                       .Range("B" & Newrow) = B_Data
                       .Range("C" & Newrow) = C_Data
                       .Range("D" & Newrow) = D_Data
                       Newrow = Newrow + 1
                    End With
                    Set c = .Columns("C").FindNext(after:=c)
                 Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddr
              End If
              Set c = .Columns("E").Find(what:=A_Data, _
                 LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
              If Not c Is Nothing Then
                 firstAddr = c.Address
                    E_Data = .Range("E" & c.Row)
                    F_Data = .Range("F" & c.Row)
                    G_Data = .Range("G" & c.Row)
                    With Sheets("Final")
                       If FirstNewRow >= Newrow Then
                          .Range("A" & FirstNewRow) = A_Data
                          .Range("B" & FirstNewRow) = B_Data
                       End If
                       .Range("E" & FirstNewRow) = E_Data
                       .Range("F" & FirstNewRow) = F_Data
                       .Range("G" & FirstNewRow) = G_Data
                       FirstNewRow = FirstNewRow + 1
                    End With
                    Set c = .Columns("E").FindNext(after:=c)
                 Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddr
                 If FirstNewRow > Newrow Then
                    Newrow = FirstNewRow
                 End If
              End If
           Next RowCount
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    I would like to add/adjust this macro so it can do this..

    1. Go to Sheet “R1” look at the contents in cell A1 then look for a duplicate of those contents in Column C, Column E, Column G, Column I, Column K, Column M, Column P, and Column S.

    2. When Column A has duplicates in
    Column C
    Column E
    Column G
    Column I
    Column K
    Column M
    Column P
    Column S

    I would like to copy that row of..
    Columns A plus Column B
    Columns C plus Column D
    Columns E plus Column F
    Columns G plus Column H
    Columns I plus Column J
    Columns K plus Column L
    Columns M plus Column N and Column O
    Columns P plus Column Q and Column R
    Columns S plus Column T and Column U

    3. Then Go to Sheet Final paste those different rows into the same row, so
    Column A:B
    Column C:D
    Column E:F
    Column G:H
    Column I:J
    Column K:L
    Column M:O
    Column Q:R
    Column T:U
    Would all be in the same row

    4. Go back to Sheet R1 and repeat this process for every cell in Column A

    However, Columns M:O, Columns Q:R, and Columns T:U will have duplicates, when that happens I want to put those duplicates under their original occurrence while protecting the entire row

    I attached an example of the data before and after, with a lot less rows. Thank you.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Buddy7; 05-13-2009 at 07:53 PM.

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