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automatically check a checkbox depending on source

  1. #1
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    automatically check a checkbox depending on source

    Hi everyone I'm new to the forum.

    I've searched through the forum and I haven't found the answer, hopefully you guys can help me if not direct me to the thread

    It might be very simple, but all I need is if I have data on A1, and i have 3 check boxes labeled: NEW, EXISTING, and ARCHIVED. I want it to automatically check the corresponding boxes. So if "NEW" is typed under A1, it'll check "NEW" box. "EXISTING" will check "EXISTING" check box and so on.
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: automatically check a checkbox depending on source

    Hello bvchrisb,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    The macro shown here will set only one check box at a time based on the input in cell "A1". If there is no match then all the check boxes are cleared. This type of mutual exclusion can be achieved more easily using Option Buttons as this is part of their design. The macro has already been added to the attached workbook.
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  3. #3
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    Re: automatically check a checkbox depending on source

    thanks Leith that worked great!

    the reason i'm using a checkbox is i'm duplicating a form that has check boxes. It's a PDF format and I'm making an excel template so all fields can be filled out automatically including checkboxes.

    The other problem I'm running into is making the checkbox bigger, I've seen another post by someone using bullets. He put an image of a bigger bullet on top of the actual bullet and was able to put info on a cell and have it checked the appropriate bullets. Do you know how to make it do that w/ the checkboxes? (I can't seem to find that post )

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: automatically check a checkbox depending on source

    Hello bvchrisb,

    The Forms controls can not be resized. You would need to use ActiveX (Control Toolbox) controls. However, this will also change the macro and how it is called.

    Another approach might be to use a font, like Marlett, to produce a check box. This approach is good if you just need a check box that doesn't need to handle events, just to be checked or cleared.

  5. #5
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    Re: automatically check a checkbox depending on source

    thanks again. you opened the door. I looked at the Marlett and wingdings 2 and nothing would match. So I looked around and found a font "FontCreator" and made my own. Works perfect.

    Thanks again.

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