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creating a macro for printing

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    creating a macro for printing

    I don't know if this is even possible. I am working with excel 2003. I get a workbook sent to me via Email that has 12 tabs on it and each tab has to be printed out. The fastest way that I know, to get this done is start with tab 1; hit alt+f, u, alt+f, enter, Ctrl+P, enter, Ctrl+page down ( to move to next tab and do it all over again), each tab is a slightly different width so I am constantly have to use "Fit to Page" but each tab will fit on one page easy.

    I was wondering can I use a key stroke macro to print this workbook. I actually get 5 workbooks like this every night, it does not really take that long, maybe I am just being lazy, I was thinking that I might be able to use a key stroke macro and then name it for what ever workbook it works with (workbook 1 print ) but I don't no if this will work or if there is an easier way to get the printing job done.

    I can't upload the workbook but I could create a simple say 5 tab workbook that has no data in but has same formatting and upload that if you need to see what I am doing.

    Thanks Ken
    Last edited by g48dd; 06-08-2009 at 03:26 PM.

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