Am updating Excel 2003 list from a SharePoint (MOSS) list via the following which I recorded.
Set LO = Sheets("owssvr").ListObjects("List1")
'recorded macro gave next line
'ActiveSheet.ListObjects("List1").UpdateChanges xlListConflictDialog
LO.UpdateChanges xlListConflictDialog
Set rng = LO.range

I then paste special to a different sheet to get rid of all the crappy List properties & junk.

These 10-15 lines are attached to keys CRTL+SHFT+U.

When run this way, I ALWAYS get the wrong range copied and pasted even though rng.address is correct. I get copied & pasted the range of LO *before* update rather than *after*.

If I debug and step thru the code, it ALWAYS works.

Any ideas on how to fix this?