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Module to apply to all open worksheets

  1. #1
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    Module to apply to all open worksheets


    I have a module, which lists, by date, the number of instances of certain words as defined at the top of the column.
    Anyway, this works fine - it operates on all sheets of a certain name type:

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    Which is what I want, but I want it to also operate on other sheets outside of the workbook eg all open sheets which fit the name criteria regardless of workbook - or all sheets within a given directory which match the criteria

    currently its:

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    but I'm not sure what to change it to - thinking it must be relatively simple..?

    the module code is this:

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  2. #2
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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets

    Actually, I think what I need is the following:

    Some way to copy data from multiple sheets in multiple workbooks to one main sheet on another workbook...

    that way I could pull all the data from the other worksheets in the other workbooks into a master sheet in my current workbook and run the module as normal...

  3. #3
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets

    Using this line:
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    you are specifically looping through the worksheets in the book containing the code. You need a loop within a loop - something like:
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  4. #4
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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets

    If you just wanted to do it on each of the open workbooks then you can do something like this:

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    If you want to do it for each workbook in a certain directly it becomes a little more complicated, (but not overly). You just need to decide which you want to do.
    Also if you go with the latter option would you want to open and check EVERY Workbook in the particular directory, or only those with names that match a particular criteria?
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  5. #5
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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets

    Thanks for your responses

    Ideally I would have it working on all workbooks in a given directory - this is safer.

    but it should definitely work on ALL workbooks in that directory, as that will be exclusively for the "raw data" books with data sheets in them.

    There would however be a specific range within the sheets that I would wish to copy - not the sheet - so the range would be like


    Another thing that would be useful is if it only copied rows with data in them - but I don't want to ask for too much!!

  6. #6
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets

    Quote Originally Posted by nhojflies View Post
    Actually, I think what I need is the following:

    Some way to copy data from multiple sheets in multiple workbooks to one main sheet on another workbook...

    that way I could pull all the data from the other worksheets in the other workbooks into a master sheet in my current workbook and run the module as normal...
    That would certainly be my advice based on our prior conversations... I think what you're looking to do is inherently risky esp. given volume of data at play ... ie what happens if old quarterly files are either moved or not open at the time of the calculation being invoked in the master file ?
    Based on my understanding you run the risk of generating (seriously) inaccurate results... having one central repository should help lessen that risk... nothing is fool proof but better to reduce risk as much as possible (consider yourself lucky you're not dealing with a Sales department!)

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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets

    Thanks DonkeyOte.

    Yeah, the reason I want to seperate what is currently one workbook into multiple books is the following:

    The workbook is updated several times every day, sometimes by a few different people per day. The workbook is already pretty big and is only going to grow. I don't want folk to have to open a massive workbook every day.

    By dividing the workbook into one master sheet with the reporting charts on it and multiple - "quarterly data books" - the frequently updated data books are smaller and more manageable.

    When someone wants to view the stats for the period covered by all the data sheets, (which is infrequently,) it takes a bit more effort eg running a macro inthe master book to draw all the relevant data in from all the books.

  8. #8
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets

    I think we're talking on slightly crossed wires... by one central repository I don't mean running one workbook at all times I simply mean you have one central storage location - be it a purpose built database (Access, MySQL, SQLSvr, Oracl etc...) or one central file into which all the other files write their data ... so each "entry" file has an identical piece of code to "push" it's latest data to the central location... your summary file then only ever "pulls" from one location (the central repository) ... this would make your analysis much simpler and permit you to store your data in a more coherent fashion (ie negating the need for my UDF altogether).

  9. #9
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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets

    oo er

    that sounds scary.

    If that is to be a solution, it would have to be one built by a different department. And to be honest, that's not going to happen.

    All I really want now is the best solution for having this big amount of data in excel workbooks, and being able to draw statistics from it in the way I've described.

    It may not be the slickest, but with the resources available, this is the best I can hope for..

    So ultimately it seems to be a choice of

    1. Creating a macro which when run pulls a specific range of data from sheets with a certain name type within open workbooks / all workbooks within a given directory

    2. Modifying the existing macro (as detailed in the first post of this thread) so that it operates on all open workbooks / all workbooks within a given directory.

    I can't figure out how to do either, so any help here would be much appreciated.

  10. #10
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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets


    Just wanted to raise this one up again to see if anybody who hadn't seen it first time would have any ideas about potential solutions.

    In a nutshell - I have a working module which creates a table in one sheet by referencing data in various other sheets. These are all currently in the same workbook, but I want to divide the worksheets into a number of different workbooks and have the table reference "all open workbooks" or "all the workbooks in a given directory"

    Is there a way to do this?

    (the existing module is at the start of this thread)


  11. #11
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Module to apply to all open worksheets

    I thought that question had been answered, but maybe not.

    Some of the code may need further mods depending on the worksheet structure of the workbooks.
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    I agree with DO that this is vulnerable to errors that would be hard to detect.
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