I'm sure this has been asked before several times....But I'm working on a project that requires me to down load 5-8 images from various web sites. They also need to be cropped and then re-sized to a specific size so they can be fit into a form I have already prepared. Unfortunately I can only get the first part of the step complete....just struggling with the rest of the macro....here is what I have already created...:

Sub ImageLoader1()
Dim MYPICT5 As Picture
With ActiveSheet.Range("L45:U126")
PICTUREURL = "http://image.com/image...etc"
Set MYPICT5 = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PICTUREURL)
MYPICT5.Top = .Top
MYPICT5.Width = .Width
MYPICT5.Height = .Height
MYPICT5.Left = .Left
End With

End Sub

Anyone that can help me finish this code I would greatly appreciate it...
