I have a proprietary Add-in that processes a data file, but the Add-in can only process one file at a time. I have many files I need to process and it's too time consuming to do each one manually. Is it possible to write a macro to loop the Add-in so that it can process every file in a selected folder? I've never programmed in VB, but I have some experience in C++, MATLAB, and Python.

This is the rough algorithm of what I'm looking to implement. I have no idea about the syntax I am supposed to use or where to even start the code. Any help is much appreciated

1. Select folder containing files
2. Loop begin
3. Select file to process in Add-in
4. Run Add-in
5. Save and close file
6. Increment to the next data file in folder
7. Go back to step 3 until all data files in folder have been processed
8. Loop ends