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Use cell data for filter criteria

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  1. #1
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    Use cell data for filter criteria

    I have had no luck searching for an answer so better to ask. I am using auto filter on Sheet1 and filtering a column of dates. What I need is for the criteria for the auto filter to be pulled from cell H1 on Sheet 2. Is this possible or is auto filter the wrong direction to go? I am looking to find all the rows on Sheet 1 that contain the date found in cell H1 on Sheet 2. Then I am going to cut and paste that data to another worksheet. I think I have all the rest of it figured out but am stumped at the filtering portion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Lvenom; 02-26-2010 at 03:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Palmetto's Avatar
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    Re: Use cell data for filter criteria

    You should be using Advanced Filter. It accepts/requires criteria in cells.

    Do you know . . . ?

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  3. #3
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    Re: Use cell data for filter criteria

    I tried the advanced filter option. It tells me I can only copy to the active page. I was looking more for a macro, that would filter the data based on a date found in cell H1 on Sheet #2. Once the data was filtered by the date, I was then going to copy the data in the visible cells in columns A, B, C and D to another spreadsheet in same workbook. I have data in columns up to M (13 columns). Thank you for the quick response though.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Palmetto's Avatar
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    Re: Use cell data for filter criteria

    I tried the advanced filter option. It tells me I can only copy to the active page.
    In order to use Advanced Filter and copy the data to a sheet other than the source sheet, you must start the Advanced Filter while on the sheet you want the values copied to.

    See this link for a better understanding on Advanced Filter

  5. #5
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    Re: Use cell data for filter criteria

    Still not working for me. I am attaching a sample spreadsheet. What I am looking to do is filter the data on sheet "Schedule" by column J (Schedule) which is the date field. The criteria for the filter comes from cell H1 on sheet "Monday". Once the data is filtered by that date on sheet "Schedule", I want to copy the visible data from columns A, B, C and D and paste them onto sheet "Monday" at cell A10. Hopefully this is clear and helps. I am working in Excel 2003
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  6. #6
    Forum Expert Palmetto's Avatar
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    Re: Use cell data for filter criteria

    Try this. On the Schedule sheet, cells Z1:Z2 are used as the critieria cells for the advanced filter. Z1 = header name, Z2 = link to sheet2!G1 (date cell)

    Open the attached workbook and press Alt + F8 keys to open the Run Macro dialog, then choose the Date_Filter macro.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Date_filter()
        Dim lrow As Long: lrow = Sheet2.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        If lrow < 10 Then lrow = 10
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        With Sheet1
        'remove any existing filters
            If .AutoFilterMode = True Then .ShowAllData
        'apply advanced filter
            .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AdvancedFilter xlFilterInPlace, criteriarange:=Range("Z1:Z2"), Unique:=False
        'copy the filters cells to sheet2
            .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(, 4).Offset(1, 0).Copy Sheet2.Range("A" & lrow)
        'turn off filtering
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
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  7. #7
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    Re: Use cell data for filter criteria

    Thank you Palmetto, that does work as needed. I was hoping that you may have had a simpler solution so I could work out the rest on my own. I am attaching the full workbook with all data so you could see what I mean. The intent is for a user to review the data on the "Schedule" sheet, set the schedule date for what he/she wants done in the upcoming week (sheets Monday, Tuesday etc), then be able to click on a button on the toolbar that would be associated with a macro that would do exactly what you had done for just the Monday alone (i.e. copy and paste just the filtered data to the appropriate sheets). The day sheets are all formatted the same, the "Schedule" sheet changes as it is data imported from a different program. Hate to ask but do you think the macro you have written can be adapted to do what I have described above? Thank you for all the help so far.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert Palmetto's Avatar
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    Re: Use cell data for filter criteria

    See if the attached works for you. It work well with the limited data in the schedule, though I had to change the date on the Monday sheet to get a valid date contained in the data.

    Based on your sample workbook, the Monday sheet is the "date entry" sheet and dates in all other sheets are incremented accordingly.

    The code is set up to runs as follows:
    When the date is changed on the Monday sheet, then the schedule is filtered and applicable entries are copied to the Monday Sheet. On all subsequent sheets, just activating the sheet will run the code to filter and copy entries. If you want manual execution of the code, then the macro could be assigned to a button on each sheet, which requires removal of the code from the worksheet modules.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Parse_Schedule()
        Dim ws As Worksheet, rngCriteria As Range
        Dim lrow As Long: lrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        If lrow < 10 Then lrow = 10
        Select Case ActiveSheet.Name
            Case "Monday": Set ws = Sheet1
            Case "Tuesday": Set ws = Sheet2
            Case "Wednesday": Set ws = Sheet3
            Case "Thursday": Set ws = Sheet4
            Case "Friday": Set ws = Sheet5
            Case "Saturday": Set ws = Sheet6
            Case "Sunday": Set ws = Sheet7
        End Select
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        'establish criteria for the Advanced Filter
        Sheet8.Range("Z1").Value = "Schedule"
        Sheet8.Range("Z2").Value = ws.Range("G1").Value
        Set rngCriteria = Sheet8.Range("Z1:Z2")
        'clear existing contents in preparation for updated schedule items
        With ws
            .Range("A10:D" & lrow).ClearContents
        End With
        With Sheet8
        'remove any existing filters
            If .AutoFilterMode = True Then .AutoFilterMode = False
        'apply advanced filter
            .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AdvancedFilter xlFilterInPlace, criteriarange:=rngCriteria, Unique:=False
        'copy the filters cells to sheet2
            .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(, 4).Offset(1, 0).Copy ws.Range("A" & lrow)
        'turn off filtering
        End With
        'clear the clipboard
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        'reset variables to nothing
        Set rngCriteria = Nothing
        Set ws = Nothing
    End Sub

    Code for "Monday" sheet
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        If Not Intersect(Target, Range("G1")) Is Nothing Then Call Parse_Schedule
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
        Call Parse_Schedule
    End Sub

    Code for all other sheet module (except "Schedule")
    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
        Call Parse_Schedule
    End Sub
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  9. #9
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    Re: Use cell data for filter criteria

    Looks and works very well. Thank you very much Palmetto for your support on this. Great learning tool for me to expand on the little I already know. Again thank you very much. The only issue at the moment that I can't seem to find, when I go off and then back onto a sheet, rather than copying and pasting in row A10 it jumps down 2 rows and pastes there. This happens only when there is more than one line of data being pasted over. One line only, always pastes into the correct A10 row every time you open the sheet. For multiple data, every time you open the sheet it drops down 2 lines. Any thoughts? Take a look at the Thursday sheet to understand what I am saying.
    Last edited by Lvenom; 02-23-2010 at 01:25 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Use cell data for filter criteria

    Never mind. I was able to follow through on the example you provided and found where I needed to make the necessary changes to alter what was happening. Very nice job. Again thank you.

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