I have the following file types:

CNN Larry.xls
CNN Anderson.xls
CNN Campbell.xls
CNN Wolf.xls etc

Now, each of this files contains data on only one sheet and this data contains items with multiple Order #s. I have the order #s and the Order Names in my personal.xlsb file.

I want to create files for each order# named order#.ordername.xls and each of these files should have tabs named Larry, Anderson, Campbell,Wolf etc so that data (pertaining to each Order#) copied from each file should go onto the tab with same name as that of the file it is copied from. And one more thing: based on the table containing the order #s, there are sometimes more than one order#s that bear the same order name and hence must be placed in the same file which means the file name will be order#1.Order#2.ordername. See table below:

Order#1 Order#2 Order#3 Ordername File name
15 10 05 Kendo 15.10.05.kendo.xls
20 16 waspy 20.16.waspy.xls etc

so in the first case all orders with order numbers 15, 10, 05 will be put into the file named 15.10.05.kendo.xls such that those from the file CNN Larry will be on the tab Larry, those from CNN Wolf will be on the tab Wolf etc.

Any help