I have a workbook (BookB) that has come cells linked to a master file (BookA).
I added some code so that it so that BookA opens and hides automatically when BookB opens.

A popup message appears as soons as I open BookB tho:
"This workbook contains one or more links that cannot be updated"

The link to some of the cells are:
=VLOOKUP(B444,'I:\xxx\xxx\[workbook name.xls]Sheet1'!Data,2,FALSE)

Those cells have #REF! at the moment of error, and have valid values as soon as I press continue

I have selected “Startup Prompt…” from the edit links DB box and selected “Don’t display the alert and update links” and I have Tools-Options-Edit-“Ask to update links” unchecked.
I also don;t have any defined names with #REF in the Refers To: box (probably disppears when I click continue)

I don;t want to open BookA first, then BookB. BookA is a master file and don;t want anyone to touch it

Is there a way to get around the problem?
