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Remove trailing space from a cell, convert to number

  1. #1
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    Remove trailing space from a cell, convert to number

    My apologies if this has been posted already but I have not been able to find a thread like this yet.

    At the office we use a third party program that we can export data into excel (csv) format which we then copy into a worksheet "machine" of sorts. They have recently changed the format of one of the columns in the export. In column D starting on row 3 are values with a space at the end. These values are "general" format, so how the space is present after a number is beyond me. The values in column D contain both numbers and letters (examples: 602, 677A, ....) there are also three digit single numbers (002) that can be displayed as 2 when we are done. Also the number of entries in column D can vary. May be 100s or 1,000's of lines. The current project has 4850+.

    What I am looking for is a macro that will remove the space from the end of the values in D and leave them as a general format. If the 002 returns to 2 it will be alright.

    I imagine it is pretty simple but I am far from a macro/vba guru.

    As an updated note I did try to just find and replace a space with nothing but, excel was unable to find a "space" at the end, even tho if you use the len() function on a cell showing 602, the formula will return 4.

    Any help will be much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Remove trailing space from a cell, convert to number

    I suspect =CODE(RIGHT(D3)) returns 160 ?

    Regardless, if you always need to replace the last char then perhaps:

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    Modify sheet name as appropriate.

  3. #3
    Forum Guru (RIP) Marcol's Avatar
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    Re: Remove trailing space from a cell, convert to number

    Try this in a spare column

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    Drag/Fill down

    Copy the result.
    Select D3
    Paste Special > Values

    Also see here


    Hope this helps
    Last edited by Marcol; 08-20-2010 at 12:31 PM. Reason: Added formula to return a number
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