Hi, I have the following problem:

In "Sheet1" I have a list of strings (e.g. stock tickers) in Column A starting in Row 4.

In "Sheet2" I also have a list of strings in Column A starting in Row 4, but it is a much longer list. I have a macro that copies over Columns from Sheet2 starting with Column B and moving right if the dates in the Column headers of Sheet2 are greater than or equal to a certain date I have stored in a cell called "earliest_date".

The issue is that I don't want to copy all rows in the Columns from Sheet2 with that date criteria, just the rows in the columns if they match my string symbols in Column A of Sheet1.

So, essentially I need to copy the rows from column B onwards from Sheet2 that have the same string in Column A, Sheet2 as in ColumnA, Sheet 1. I'd like to paste the values into Sheet1 starting with column B onward.

Thanks so much, any help is appreciated.