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Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

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    Excel 2010

    Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Sql query spits out data onto worksheet, which I then format through VBA for end user
    Manager Name
    Office Name
    client id
    client name
    Billable (gets subtotaled)
    Progress (gets subtotaled)
    Net (gets subtotaled)
    Reserve (is manually entered, gets subtotaled)
    Group (new column to group on)

    Report has only 1 manager name for all data
    Multiple offices, sorted by office
    I have it set up to split out each office group and subtotal it

    Now they also want to subtotal within each office by the new Group column.
    I can figure out how to split out the groups and to subtotal the little groups, but not how to then subtotal the whole group

    Plus they want to add a grand total at the bottom, not sure how to sum that up either.

    I'm kind of lost on how to do all these different subtotals

    Can't use a pivot table because end user has to enter some numbers manually.
    Could maybe use a pivot table, and then somehow convert it to regular worksheet?

    Any ideas, pointers, guidance, or help of any sort would be appreciated.

    Perhaps sum the whole office set and then somehow remove the little group subtotal numbers - that row will have "subtotal" in col A (has to be formulas due to manual entry)
    Last edited by ker9; 11-30-2010 at 04:04 PM.

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