Hi all

First off, I hope that this makes sense...

I work for a company which has about 40 branches nationwide.
I created a system which stores customer booking info and emails the customer with confirmation to save users time having to manually type everything - plus its then standard.

As pricing and stuff changes I need to be able to send out an "upgrade" workbook as required which the branches will run and it will automatically run a macro to update the pricing values of the main workbook. The main program workbook is always called HBPOS3.xls. The only thing that will change is the path to this file. It is always stored in HBPOS/HBPOS3.xls. All upgrades are saved into the HBPOS/UpgradeFiles/ folder.

However the path to the HBPOS folder will change dependant on the computer i.e. our's is stored at "C:/Documents And Settings/hbbas/desktop/HBPOS" so it depends on the user i.e. our's is hbbas. I won't know what each path is.

So is there a way that when they open the upgrade file, which will be saved in HBPOS/UpgradeFiles/, that i can use some code to automatically get the PATH to the HBPOS/UpgradeFiles/ directory so that i can then just trim off "/UpgradeFiles/" and replace with "HBPOS3.xls" to transfer the data over?

Is there also a way to check that the file exists? i.e. say it detects the path is C:/HBPOS3/, is there a way to check C:/HBPOS3/HBPOS3.xls exists? and if it doesn't, that it says that it can't find HBPOS3 and so upgrade aborted rather than coming up with a VB error?

Thanks for your time and help. I've not coded anything yet as I'm seeing if it's possible first.