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Auto replace/update sheet

  1. #1
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    Auto replace/update sheet

    Good afternoon and a happy Friday to all

    I have worksheet named "work plan" within a workbook which contains excel formula. I have a macro which copies the sheet "work plan" and creates a new sheet called "work plan copy" but only pastes the values and format (excluding all formula). Now I have two separate issues which for the life of me I just cannot solve....

    a). I keep getting an error message 'Runtime ERROR 1004' 'Pastespecial method of range class failed', even though the information gets pasted, all be it unformatted.

    b). Is there some code I can add to my existing macro, that will allow me to replace or update the "work plan copy" sheet whenever the macro is executed? Currently I get an error message saying that the sheet "work plan copy" already exists, without an option to overwrite it.

    Here is my code below

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    Thanking you for any help in advance.
    Last edited by Ivor; 01-19-2011 at 05:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Auto replace/update sheet

    Hello Ivor,

    When using PasteSpecial, you must copy the information to the clipboard and then paste. The operations must be performed separately unlike the Range.Copy Destination:=Range method. Also,the source and destination areas should have the same dimensions. Here are the corrections...
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  3. #3
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    Re: Auto replace/update sheet

    Hello Leith sir

    Thank you so much for your help. I am not back to work until the Monday so will check it out and get back to you sir.

    Much appreciated

    Have a cool weekend


  4. #4
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    Smile Re: Auto replace/update sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivor View Post
    Hello Leith sir

    Thank you so much for your help. I am not back to work until the Monday so will check it out and get back to you sir.

    Much appreciated

    Have a cool weekend

    Good morning Leith

    Hope you had a good weekend.

    Thanks again for your help, your code worked without hitch, however I must admit I am totally lost with what you've said about the 'pasting to clip board'. Is this an easy step to do and will I have to remember it every time I'm wanting to code in a 'paste special'?

    Also, as per the second part of the question, is there an easy bit of code I can wrap around yours, so that I get the option to overwrite the newly created sheet (work plan copy) if I ran the code again? currently I get an error message explaining that I cannot created a sheet that shares the same name?

    Hope that makes sense.


  5. #5
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Auto replace/update sheet

    Hello Ivor,

    Here is the amended macro. If the sheet exists you will be asked if you want to overwrite the data. If the sheet name is not found then the sheet will be created.
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  6. #6
    Forum Expert snb's Avatar
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    Re: Auto replace/update sheet


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    Smile Re: Auto replace/update sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith Ross View Post
    Hello Ivor,

    Here is the amended macro. If the sheet exists you will be asked if you want to overwrite the data. If the sheet name is not found then the sheet will be created.
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    Good afternoon Leith

    Apologies for my late reply, been pretty crazy today with coding all over the place.

    Thank you so much for your latest amendment to your code, the 'replacing' of the sheet works just fine as I get a messaged box as you coded. The only issue I am having is that although I get the option, changes to the original 'Work Plan' sheet are not being picked up on the 'Work Plan Copy' sheet. It worked the very first time when I ran your code, but has failed to work since!!! I wil try it again tomorrow but if there could be an issue with the way data is added to the 'Work Plan' sheet. Rows of data are often copied and inserted, before being overwritten (i.e. name changes and so on), however thinking about it the changes are being made before the 'copy and replace' macro is being run, and so it should work still. Maybe Excel is playing up today so wil give it a try again tomorrow.

    Many thanks for your time Leith, much appreciated.

    Speak soon


  8. #8
    Forum Expert snb's Avatar
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    Re: Auto replace/update sheet

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    Re: Auto replace/update sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by snb View Post
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    that was some quick work. Thank you for that. I feel bad as you are using your own time to help me and it is gratefully appreciated. Unfortunately I cannot use your code in it's current format, the reason being that I have another sheet which feeds directly from the 'Work Plan Copy' sheet (hence why I always need that sheet to be there). The very second I delete 'Work Plan Copy', all of my code on the linked sheet turns to #Ref. I have tried using .ClearContents instead of .Delete on your first line of code, but all this does is create a new sheet called 'Work Plan (2)'. What I ideally need is for your code to overwrite the existing 'Work Plan Copy' sheet instead of deleting it or creating a new one. Is this possible? Your code is already doing what I need in copying everything and is half of the size of the original code, that is really impressive sir.


  10. #10
    Forum Expert snb's Avatar
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    Re: Auto replace/update sheet

    If I get what you mean correctly this will suffice:

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    And if so, you could consider using a databasequery in worksheet("Work Plan Copy") in cell A1, that links to range("A1:AD100") in worksheet("Work Plan").
    Last edited by snb; 01-18-2011 at 04:20 PM.

  11. #11
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    Smile Re: Auto replace/update sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by snb View Post
    If I get what you mean correctly this will suffice:

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    And if so, you could consider using a databasequery in worksheet("Work Plan Copy") in cell A1, that links to range("A1:AD100") in worksheet("Work Plan").
    HA HA HA HA SNB you are a legend.

    Why is it that sometimes the easiest way to achieve something works out to be the hardest task? Why was I trying to use some fancy macro to achieve what a simple "make one sheet = another" formula would do? I think I was initially thinking that the formula would be copied also, but luckily this is omitted and only the values are copied, so the rest of my coding should work fine. However I will not be too hard on myself for I have learnt a lot more than if I had arrived at this conclusion straight away.

    Thanks again for your help SNB, and unless I come across any other issues (hopefully not) then I will tag this post as solved.

    Your time has been invaluable sir

    Thanks again


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