I have been working on the following script in a user form that allows the user to print certain sheets in the workbook and uses an array of checkboxes and an array of textboxes. The checkboxes correspond with sheet names in the workbook. The textboxes correspond with the checkboxes and provide an area for the user to enter the number of copies they would like to print.

To me the script looks like it is working correctly except that when the PrintOut command is called it dosent print multiple copies of the sheets the user requested copies of.

When I use the locals window to see the values in arr2() array just before the PrintOut command is called it has all the correct values in it.

example of arr2() values before PrintOut command:

user want 3 copies of sheet1 and 1 copy of sheet2

arr2(1) = "sheet1"
arr2(2) = "sheet1"
arr2(3) = "sheet1"
arr2(4) = "sheet2"

When Printing Out (arr2) it only prints one copy of sheet1 and one copy of sheet2.

What am I doing wrong hear? How can I get this script to print sheet1 3 time and sheet2 once?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim arr2() As String
    Dim T, M, CopyNumber, CopyCount As Integer
    T = 0

CheckBoxing = Array(ckSheet1, ckSheet2, ckSheet3, ckSheet4)
Text = Array(txtSheet1, txtSheet2, txtSheet3, txtSheet4)

For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    For M = 0 To UBound(CheckBoxing)
        If CheckBoxing(M).Value = True And CheckBoxing(M).Visible = True And wks.Name = CheckBoxing(M).Caption Then
            CopyCount = 0
            CopyNumber = Text(M).Value
                T = T + 1
                CopyCount = CopyCount + 1
                ReDim Preserve arr2(1 To T)
                arr2(T) = wks.Name
            Loop Until CopyCount = CopyNumber
        End If
    Next M
Next wks

Application.EnableEvents = False
    With ActiveWorkbook
    End With
Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub