I am having trouble with one set of formulas when I test a spreadsheet in French Excel. Everything works fine in English, and all of the formulas work in French except for one set.

The problematic formulas are (in English):


When I open this in French Excel, I get a "#VALEUR!" error unless I change the "#VALUE!" to "#VALEUR!" which I would prefer not to because I want this tool to be mutually compatible across both language versions of Excel. The "SUMIF" changes to "SOMME.SI" and "VALUE" remains the same.

Weirdly, there are other formulas within the same spreadsheet that are very similar but pose no problems:

=SUMIF(E80:AD80,"<>#VALUE!",E80:AD80) works just fine.

This makes me think that it is the cells being summed that are posing a problem with the French Excel. They all contain formulas along the lines of:


All of these cells contain values; no error messages (the "IF" changes to "SI" in French).

Any ideas?