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save as to file path using cell name

  1. #1
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    save as to file path using cell name

    In cell C5, I have my users "Full Name" in Cell H5, I have my user "SSN" I would like to use VBA to Save to a file name that combines the two cell as follows

    Cell C5 = John Moore Cell H5 = 222-33-4444 I want to save as " John Moore - 4444" (using only the last 4 of the SSN) if possible I would like the save as filename to be Moore -4444 (Last Name and Last 4 of SSN but this may be to difficult since the first and last name lenght will vary. I currently using the follow code that work but it save as the full Name and the entire SSN "John Moore - 222-333-4444. I don't understand what I need to do to modify the code to get the file name to be

    1 John Moore - 4444 or
    2 Moore - 4444

    Here's the current code i"m using

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    I would be grateful for any help
    Last edited by pike; 05-05-2011 at 06:17 AM. Reason: add code tags for newbie

  2. #2
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    Re: save as to file path using cell name

    Hi WillieW, try the following below. I tried to make it complete (checking if name/SSN is not null, if file already exsists, etc), but you can remove the code lines you might not need. The main "problem" with macros is that you have to write a code that will do whatever you say it to do, but also prevent/catch "mistakes" from the users.

    Sub Save_File_Last_Name()
    Dim fName As String
    Dim fSSN As String
    Dim fPath As String
    Dim fSave As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer

    'Get Name
    fName = Trim(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C5").Value) 'Considering the data is on cell C5 and on sheet Sheet1
    'Get Last Name (considering there is a space between first and last name)
    i = InStrRev(fName, Chr(32)) ' Please notice Chr(32) = Space in ASCII code
    If i > 0 Then
    fName = Right(fName, Len(fName) - i)
    End If

    'Get SSN
    fSSN = Trim(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("H5").Value) 'Considering the data is on cell H5 and on sheet Sheet1
    fSSN = Right(fSSN, 5) ' Considering the SSN will always end with "-XXXX"

    fPath = "C:\" & fName & fSSN & ".xls"
    'Test if file already exists
    If Dir(fPath) <> "" Then
    If MsgBox("The file '" & fPath & "' already exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
    fSave = True
    If Windows(Dir(fPath, vbArchive)) Is Nothing Then 'Check if the file fPath is currently open
    Kill fPath
    End If
    fSave = False
    End If
    fSave = True
    End If

    If fSave Then
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fPath 'Keep this line if you are using Excel 2003
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fPath, FileFormat:=xlExcel8 'Keep this line if you are using Excel 2007
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End If

    End Sub

  3. #3
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    Re: save as to file path using cell name

    Inesi, you're awesome the code work great.Thank you so much, this really means alot,we have alot of older volunteers who are not comfortable with computers us this excel file. Second, I learned today that they need to save the file to a directory structure as follows

    C;\budgets under the budgets directory we have sub folders as follows

    01 January
    02 February
    03 March
    04 April
    05 May
    06 June
    07 July
    08 August
    09 September
    10 October
    11 November
    12 December

    We need to save the budgets in the folders base on the month it was done. for example any budget we do in the month of May need to be saved in the "05 May" folder under C:\budgets. Can the code you provide be modified to do this, our second option would be to just open up the "C:\budgets" directory and have the volunteer click and save into the correct folder. The current code just save the file the root of c:\budgets requiring the user to move the file to the coreect folder.

    I'm grateful for your help with this, agian thank you so much.

  4. #4
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    Re: save as to file path using cell name

    Hi WillieW, I am glad I could help.

    See example of a code below. It will create the path as per a given date (in the example below I am using the current system date by means of the formula NOW).

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    The trick is in the formula FORMAT. MM will make the corresponding month of the variable fDate as 01, or 02, or ...12 and MMMM will give its name (only MMM would create a three letters month).

    I hope that will help

  5. #5
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    Re: save as to file path using cell name

    Hello, my name is Cor,
    I'm also trying to get this vba code going but I can't get the path to be right can somebody help me?

    Here's my code:

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    Without the part: "C:\Bureaublad\afroepen Cor" the code works but is then stored in the defaultfolder by windows.

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by arlu1201; 07-08-2013 at 01:53 AM.

  6. #6
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: save as to file path using cell name


    Welcome to the forum.

    I have added code tags to your post. As per forum rule 3, you need to use them whenever you put any code in your post. Please add them in future. In order to put code tags, either type [CODE]Please [url=https://www.excelforum.com/login.php]Login or Register [/url] to view this content.[/CODE] at the end of it, OR you can highlight your code and click the # icon at the top of your post window.


    Unfortunately you need to post your question in a new thread, it's against the forum rules to post a question in the thread of another user. If you create your own thread, any advice will be tailored to your situation so you should include a description of what you've done and are trying to do. Also, if you feel that this thread is particularly relevant to what you are trying to do, you can surely include a link to it in your new thread.
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