
Does anyone know how to create an if statement which has two variables?

I need to create an if statement which will go inside a loop that loops through a cell range which first checks if it is empty and if its not then i need to to say if the value in the cell on row 1 of the corresponding column = "12 months" and the value in the cell in column E of the corresponding row contains "Per Unit then place "12 month per unit" into the cell in sheet variable PPCWBSht in the 4th column.

I had a go at the writing the code myself however i get an error saying "Subscript out of range" and it highlights the row i have coloured red in the code below.

NRow = 2
Application.StatusBar = "Loop through calcs Form and populate calculations table"
For Each cell In PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("F4:U640")
    If cell.Value <> "" Then
        If  PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & "1").Value = "12  Mths" And Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("PPIIIFORM").Range("e" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Per Unit" Then
            PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = "12 month per unit"
        End If
        Application.StatusBar = cell.Address
    End If
Next cellDoes anyone know how to do this?

